
fork of partkeepr
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commit 956b246e0106d2a97aab884edaedc592559c7644
parent c3827a9b6a4f0bd7f3f9deb916b44f3a806d44b1
Author: Felicitus <>
Date:   Sat, 10 Oct 2015 12:23:04 +0200

Refactored phing buildfile to quickly re-build the prerequisites for the production frontend

Diffstat: | 5-----
Mbuild.xml | 497++-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 494 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/ @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -extjs.path=3rdparty/extjs -packagepath=/tmp/partkeepr-pkg -source.php=src/backend/PartKeepr \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/build.xml b/build.xml @@ -1,493 +1,12 @@ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> -<project name="partkeepr" default="build"> - <property file="" /> - - <target name="pre-commit"> - <jsllint haltonfailure="true"> - <fileset dir="src/frontend"> - <include name="**/*.js" /> - </fileset> - </jsllint> - </target> - - <!-- Cleans the output directories --> - <target name="clean"> - <delete dir="reports" /> - <delete dir="frontend" /> - <delete dir="setup" /> - <delete file="partkeepr.jsb3" /> - </target> - - <target name="compile-theme"> - <exec dir="theme/sass" command="compass compile partkeepr.scss" passthru="true" /> - <copy file="theme/css/partkeepr.css" tofile="src/frontend/css/partkeepr-theme.css" /> - <copy file="theme/css/partkeepr.css" tofile="src/setup/css/partkeepr-theme.css" /> - - <copy todir="src/frontend/themes/images/"> - <fileset dir="theme/themes/images/"> - <include name="**/*" /> - </fileset> - </copy> - - <copy todir="src/setup/themes/images/"> - <fileset dir="theme/themes/images/"> - <include name="**/*" /> - </fileset> - </copy> - </target> - - <target name="git-update-submodules"> - <exec command="git submodule sync" passthru="true" checkreturn="true" /> - <exec command="git submodule init" passthru="true" checkreturn="true" /> - <exec command="git submodule update" passthru="true" checkreturn="true" /> - </target> - - <!-- Build the end-user 'setup' directory --> - <target name="build-setup"> - <mkdir dir="setup/" /> - - <echo>Copying extjs</echo> - <mkdir dir="setup/extjs/" /> - <if> - <isset property="" /> - <then> - <exec dir="." passthru="true" command="rsync -ptgo - --include=/bootstrap.js - --include=/ext-all.js - --include=/ext-all-debug.js - --include=/ext-all-debug-w-comments.js - --exclude=* - ${extjs.path}/* setup/extjs/" checkreturn="true" /> - </then> - <else> - <copy overwrite="false" todir="setup/extjs/"> - <fileset dir="${extjs.path}"> - <include name="bootstrap.js" /> - <include name="compatibility/ext3-core-compat.js" /> - <include name="compatibility/ext3-compat.js" /> - <include name="ext-all.js" /> - <include name="ext-all-debug.js" /> - <include name="ext-all-debug-w-comments.js" /> - <include name="adapter/ext/ext-base.js" /> - <include name="adapter/ext/ext-base-debug-w-comments.js" /> - <include name="source/adapter/ext-base.js" /> - </fileset> - </copy> - </else> - </if> - - <echo>Copying Ext.ux.Wizard</echo> - <mkdir dir="setup/js/wizard" /> - <if> - <isset property="" /> - <then> - <exec dir="." passthru="true" command="rsync -a --delete 3rdparty/ext-wizard/Ext.ux.Wizard/ setup/js/wizard/" checkreturn="true" /> - </then> - <else> - <copy overwrite="true" todir="setup/js/wizard"> - <fileset dir="3rdparty/ext-wizard/Ext.ux.Wizard"> - <include name="**" /> - </fileset> - </copy> - </else> - </if> - - <echo>Copying src/setup</echo> - <if> - <isset property="" /> - <then> - <exec dir="." passthru="true" command="rsync -a src/setup/ setup/" checkreturn="true" /> - </then> - <else> - <copy overwrite="true" todir="setup/"> - <fileset dir="src/setup"> - <include name="**" /> - </fileset> - </copy> - </else> - </if> - - </target> - - <!-- Build the end-user 'frontend' directory --> - <target name="build-frontend"> - <mkdir dir="frontend/" /> - - <echo>Copying 3rdparty/extjs - this may take up to a few minutes</echo> - <mkdir dir="frontend/extjs" /> - <if> - <isset property="" /> - <then> - <exec dir="." passthru="true" command="rsync -ptgo -r - --include=/bootstrap.js - --include=/ext-all.js - --include=/ext-all-debug.js - --include=/ext-all-debug-w-comments.js - --include=/resources/*** - --exclude=/* - ${extjs.path}/* frontend/extjs/" checkreturn="true" /> - </then> - <else> - <copy overwrite="false" todir="frontend/extjs/"> - <fileset dir="${extjs.path}"> - <include name="bootstrap.js" /> - <include name="compatibility/ext3-core-compat.js" /> - <include name="compatibility/ext3-compat.js" /> - <include name="ext-all.js" /> - <include name="ext-all-debug.js" /> - <include name="ext-all-debug-w-comments.js" /> - <include name="adapter/ext/ext-base.js" /> - <include name="adapter/ext/ext-base-debug-w-comments.js" /> - <include name="source/adapter/ext-base.js" /> - <include name="resources/**" /> - </fileset> - </copy> - </else> - </if> - - <echo>Copying Ext Statusbar</echo> - <mkdir dir="frontend/js/Ext.ux/statusbar" /> - <if> - <isset property="" /> - <then> - <exec dir="." passthru="true" command="rsync -a --delete ${extjs.path}/examples/ux/statusbar/ frontend/js/Ext.ux/statusbar/" checkreturn="true" /> - </then> - <else> - <copy overwrite="false" todir="frontend/js/Ext.ux/"> - <fileset dir="${extjs.path}/examples/ux"> - <include name="statusbar/**" /> - </fileset> - </copy> - </else> - </if> - - <echo>Copying</echo> - <if> - <isset property="" /> - <then> - <exec dir="." passthru="true" command="rsync -a ${extjs.path}/examples/ux/TabCloseMenu.js frontend/js/Ext.ux/" checkreturn="true" /> - </then> - <else> - <copy overwrite="false" todir="frontend/js/Ext.ux/"> - <fileset dir="${extjs.path}/examples/ux"> - <include name="TabCloseMenu.js" /> - </fileset> - </copy> - </else> - </if> - - <echo>Copying Ext.ux.Wizard</echo> - <copy overwrite="false" todir="frontend/js/Ext.ux/"> - <fileset dir="3rdparty/ext-wizard/Ext.ux.Wizard/"> - <include name="Ext.ux.Wizard.Card.js" /> - <include name="Ext.ux.Wizard.CardLayout.js" /> - <include name="Ext.ux.Wizard.Header.js" /> - <include name="Ext.ux.Wizard.js" /> - </fileset> - </copy> - - <echo>Copying Ext.ux.Exporter</echo> - <copy overwrite="false" todir="frontend/js/Ext.ux.Exporter/"> - <fileset dir="3rdparty/Ext.ux.Exporter"> - <include name="Base64.js" /> - <include name="Formatter.js" /> - <include name="Button.js" /> - <include name="Exporter.js" /> - <include name="downloadify.min.js" /> - <include name="wikiFormatter/*" /> - <include name="excelFormatter/*" /> - <include name="csvFormatter/*" /> - </fileset> - </copy> - - <echo>Copying phpjs</echo> - <mkdir dir="frontend/js/org.phpjs.lib/" /> - <if> - <isset property="" /> - <then> - <exec dir="." passthru="true" command="rsync -a 3rdparty/phpjs/php.default.min.js frontend/js/org.phpjs.lib/" checkreturn="true" /> - </then> - <else> - <copy overwrite="false" todir="frontend/js/org.phpjs.lib"> - <fileset dir="3rdparty/phpjs/"> - <include name="php.default.min.js" /> - </fileset> - </copy> - </else> - </if> - - <echo>Copying JS frontend</echo> - <if> - <isset property="" /> - <then> - <exec dir="." passthru="true" command="rsync -a --exclude=.git src/frontend/ frontend/" checkreturn="true" /> - </then> - <else> - <copy overwrite="true" todir="frontend/"> - <fileset dir="src/frontend"> - <include name="**" /> - </fileset> - </copy> - </else> - </if> - - <phingcall target="cache-warmup" /> - - <phingcall target="jsbuilder" /> - </target> - - <target name="cache-warmup"> - <exec passthru="true" command="php app/console cache:warmup" /> - </target> - <!-- Builds the frontend, regenerates the proxies and minifies the JS --> +<project name="PartKeepr" default="build"> + <property name="env" value="prod" /> <target name="build"> - <phingcall target="git-update-submodules" /> - - <phingcall target="build-frontend" /> - <phingcall target="build-setup" /> - </target> - - <!-- Fast build uses rsync instead of standard file copy --> - <target name="build-fast"> - <condition property=""> - <or> - <os family="mac" /> - <os family="unix" /> - </or> - </condition> - - <fail unless="" message="Fast build only supported on Mac and Unix-like systems (rsync required)" /> - - <phingcall target="build" /> - </target> - - <!-- - Creates a new PartKeepr release. - - This task asks for the target version number, and then generates the zip and tbz2 archives out of it. - --> - <target name="release"> - <propertyprompt propertyName="partkeepr.version" defaultValue="" promptText="Please enter the version number of the build to generate (e.g. 0.1)" /> - - <phingcall target="prepare-archiving" /> - <phingcall target="set-version" /> - - <zip destfile="partkeepr-${partkeepr.version}.zip" basedir="${packagepath}" prefix="partkeepr-${partkeepr.version}/" /> - <tar destfile="partkeepr-${partkeepr.version}.tbz2" compression="bzip2" basedir="${packagepath}" prefix="partkeepr-${partkeepr.version}/" /> - </target> - - <!-- - Runs the build process, then copies the current working tree to a temporary directory (specified by ${packagepath}) - while excluding stuff the end-user doesn't need (like .git directories, and some 3rdparty stuff). - --> - <target name="prepare-archiving"> - <phingcall target="build" /> - - <delete quiet="true"> - <fileset dir="${packagepath}" /> - </delete> - - <copy todir="${packagepath}" includeemptydirs="false"> - <fileset dir="."> - <exclude name="3rdparty/extjs/**" /> - <exclude name="3rdparty/phpjs/**" /> - <exclude name="3rdparty/ext-wizard/**" /> - <exclude name="theme/**/*" /> - <exclude name="testing/**/*" /> - <exclude name="util/**/*" /> - <exclude name="src/frontend/**/*" /> - <exclude name="src/setup/**" /> - <exclude name="partkeepr.jsb3" /> - <exclude name="partkeepr.jsb3.template" /> - <exclude name="pre-commit.hook" /> - <exclude name="RELEASE-TODO" /> - <exclude name="" /> - <exclude name="build.xml" /> - <exclude name="cli-config.php" /> - <exclude name="frontend/resources/fugue-icons/src/**/*" /> - <exclude name="frontend/resources/fugue-icons/bonus/**/*" /> - <exclude name="frontend/resources/fugue-icons/icons-shadowless/**/*" /> - <exclude name="frontend/resources/fugue-icons/all.png" /> - <exclude name="frontend/resources/fugue-icons/all-preview.png" /> - <exclude name="frontend/resources/fugue-icons/all-shadowless.png" /> - <exclude name=".git/**/*" /> - <exclude name="3rdparty/doctrine-migrations/.git/**/*" /> - <exclude name="frontend/resources/silkicons/.git/**/*" /> - <exclude name="frontend/resources/flags/.git/**/*" /> - <exclude name="frontend/resources/mimetypes/.git/**/*" /> - <exclude name="frontend/resources/fugue-icons/.git/**/*" /> - <exclude name="config.php" /> - - </fileset> - </copy> - - <delete dir="${packagepath}/theme/" /> - <delete dir="${packagepath}/testing/" /> - <delete dir="${packagepath}/tests/" /> - <delete dir="${packagepath}/src/frontend/" /> - <delete dir="${packagepath}/src/setup/" /> - <delete dir="${packagepath}/util/" /> - <delete dir="${packagepath}/.git/" /> - <delete dir="${packagepath}/3rdparty/doctrine-migrations/.git/" /> - <delete dir="${packagepath}/frontend/resources/silkicons/.git/" /> - <delete dir="${packagepath}/frontend/resources/flags/.git/" /> - <delete dir="${packagepath}/frontend/resources/mimetypes/.git/" /> - <delete dir="${packagepath}/frontend/resources/fugue-icons/.git/" /> - - <delete dir="${packagepath}/3rdparty/extjs/" /> - <delete dir="${packagepath}/3rdparty/phpjs/" /> - <delete dir="${packagepath}/3rdparty/ext-wizard/" /> - <delete dir="${packagepath}/frontend/resources/fugue-icons/src/" /> - <delete dir="${packagepath}/frontend/resources/fugue-icons/bonus/" /> - <delete dir="${packagepath}/frontend/resources/fugue-icons/icons-shadowless/" /> - </target> - - <!-- - Sets the version of the release inside PartKeeprVersion.php - --> - <target name="set-version"> - <exec executable="sed"> - <arg value="-i" /> - <arg value="s/{V_GIT}/${partkeepr.version}/g" /> - <arg value="${packagepath}/src/backend/PartKeepr/PartKeeprVersion.php" /> - </exec> - </target> - - <target name="nightly"> - <phingcall target="prepare-archiving" /> - - <tstamp> - <format property="build.time" pattern="partkeepr-nightly-%Y%m%d" /> - </tstamp> - - <property name="partkeepr.version" value="${build.time}" /> - <phingcall target="set-version" /> - - <zip destfile="${build.time}.zip" basedir="${packagepath}" prefix="partkeepr-nightly/" /> - <tar destfile="${build.time}.tbz2" compression="bzip2" basedir="${packagepath}" prefix="partkeepr-nightly/" /> - </target> - - <!-- Builds the jsb3 file and build the minified JS files --> - <target name="jsbuilder"> - <property name="jsbuilder.sources" value="--source=${project.basedir}/3rdparty/extjs/examples/ux/TabCloseMenu.js --source=${project.basedir}/src/frontend/js --source=${project.basedir}/3rdparty/ext-wizard/Ext.ux.Wizard/ --source=${project.basedir}/3rdparty/Ext.ux.Exporter/ --source ${project.basedir}/3rdparty/extjs/examples/ux/statusbar/"/> - <exec passthru="true" command="php partkeepr.php partkeepr:js-minify ${project.basedir}/frontend/js/partkeepr-debug.js ${jsbuilder.sources}" /> - <exec passthru="true" command="php partkeepr.php partkeepr:js-minify ${project.basedir}/frontend/js/partkeepr.js --compress ${jsbuilder.sources}" /> - </target> - - <!-- Checks all JavaScript files for common mistakes. Requires JSLint from --> - <target name="jslint"> - <jsllint> - <fileset dir="src/frontend"> - <include name="**/*.js" /> - </fileset> - </jsllint> - <jsllint> - <fileset dir="src/setup"> - <include name="**/*.js" /> - </fileset> - </jsllint> - </target> - - <!-- Checks all PHP files for messy code. --> - <target name="phpmd"> - <mkdir dir="reports/logs" /> - - <phpmd rulesets="codesize,unusedcode,design,naming"> - <fileset dir="src/"> - <include name="**/*.php" /> - </fileset> - <formatter type="xml" outfile="reports/logs/pmd.xml" /> - <formatter type="html" outfile="reports/pmd.html"/> - </phpmd> - </target> - - <!-- Checks all PHP files for copy/paste code --> - <target name="phpcpd"> - <mkdir dir="reports/logs" /> - <phpcpd minTokens="30"> - <fileset dir="src/"> - <include name="**/*.php" /> - </fileset> - <formatter type="pmd" outfile="reports/logs/pmd-cpd.xml" /> - </phpcpd> - </target> - - <target name="code-coverage"> - - <mkdir dir="reports/coverage/db" /> - <mkdir dir="reports/phpunit" /> - - <coverage-setup database="reports/coverage/db/coverage.db"> - <fileset dir="src/backend"> - <include name="**/*.php" /> - </fileset> - </coverage-setup> - - <phpunit bootstrap="tests/bootstrap.php" haltonfailure="false" codecoverage="true" printsummary="true"> - - <batchtest> - <fileset dir="tests/"> - <include name="**/*Test.php" /> - </fileset> - </batchtest> - <formatter todir="reports/phpunit/" type="xml" /> - <formatter type="clover" usefile="true" todir="reports/coverage/" /> - - </phpunit> - - <phpunitreport infile="reports/phpunit/testsuites.xml" format="frames" todir="reports/phpunit" /> - - <coverage-report outfile="reports/coverage/db/coverage.xml"> - <report todir="reports/coverage/" /> - </coverage-report> - </target> - - <target name="test"> - <mkdir dir="reports/phpunit" /> - - <phpunit bootstrap="tests/bootstrap.php" haltonfailure="false" haltonerror="true" codecoverage="false" printsummary="true"> - <formatter todir="reports/phpunit/" type="xml" /> - <batchtest> - <fileset dir="tests/"> - <include name="**/*Test.php" /> - </fileset> - </batchtest> - <formatter type="plain" usefile="false" /> - </phpunit> - - <phpunitreport infile="reports/phpunit/testsuites.xml" format="frames" todir="reports/phpunit" /> - - </target> - - <target name="test-setup"> - <echo msg="Testing the installation..." /> - - <phpunit haltonfailure="true" codecoverage="false" printsummary="true"> - <batchtest> - <fileset dir="setup/tests/"> - <include name="*Test.php" /> - </fileset> - </batchtest> - <formatter type="plain" usefile="false" /> - </phpunit> - - <echo msg="" /> - - <echo msg=" ***************************" /> - <echo msg=" Setup Test Complete" /> - <echo msg=" ***************************" /> - <echo msg="" /> - <echo msg=" No errors were found." /> - <echo msg=" You may now proceed!" /> - </target> - - <target name="apigen"> - <apigen source="${source.php}" destination="reports/api/" title="PartKeepr API Documentation" internal="true" deprecated="true" todo="true" charset="utf8" report="reports/logs/api-checkstyle.xml"> - - </apigen> - </target> - - <target name="jenkins" depends="clean,phpmd,apigen,jslint,phpcpd,code-coverage"> - + <exec command="php app/console cache:clear --env=${env}"/> + <exec command="php app/console cache:warmup --env=${env}"/> + <exec command="php app/console nfq:sprite:generate --env=${env}"/> + <exec command="php app/console assets:install --env=${env}"/> + <exec command="php app/console generate:extjs:entities --env=${env}"/> + <exec command="php app/console assetic:dump --env=${env}"/> </target> </project>