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BreadCrumbWizard.js (6592B)

      1 /**
      2  * BreadCrumbWizard for ExtJS 4.x, a container that acts as wizard.
      3  * It also has breadcrumbs at the top to help navigating between views.
      4  *
      5  * The BreadCrumbWizard is based on the Extjs Container, so that it can be nested directly in the page or in a pop up window.
      6  * The child views can still be declared in the items config, and internally it will use card layout to switch between them.
      7  * The child views need one extra field 'breadCrumbTitle' to set the text be displayed in the bread crumb.
      8  *
      9  * The BreadCrumbWizard will fire three events {'validate','submit','close'}
     10  * The 'validate' event will be fired when leaving from the current view, so validation code can be put in the listener.
     11  * The 'submit' event will be fired when submit button in the last view is clicked, and the submit data is collected by calling getSubmitData on all child views.
     12  * Feel free to add/override the getSubmitData method in each view component.
     13  *
     14  * @author: twinssbc
     15  * @version 1.0.1
     16  * @requires BreadCrumbWizard.css
     17  * @xtype breadcrumbwizard
     18  */
     19 Ext.define('Ext.ux.BreadCrumbWizard', {
     20     extend: 'Ext.container.Container',
     21     alias: ['widget.breadcrumbwizard'],
     22     layout: {
     23         type: 'vbox',
     24         align: 'stretch'
     25     },
     26     defaults: {
     27         cls: 'x-wizard-component'
     28     },
     29     initComponent: function ()
     30     {
     31         var me = this,
     32             breadCrumbComponents = [],
     33             cardItems = [],
     34             index,
     35             childView;
     37         me.currentIndex = 0;
     38         for (index = 0; index < me.items.length; index += 1) {
     39             childView = me.items[index];
     40             breadCrumbComponents.push({
     41                 xtype: 'button',
     42                 cls: 'x-wizard-breadcrumb',
     43                 disabledCls: 'wizard-breadcrumb-disabled',
     44                 overCls: 'wizard-breadcrumb-over',
     45                 pressedCls: 'wizard-breadcrumb-pressed',
     46                 enableToggle: true,
     47                 toggleGroup: 'breadCrumbGroup',
     48                 allowDepress: false,
     49                 disabled: index !== 0,
     50                 pressed: index === 0,
     51                 index: index,
     52                 text: childView.breadCrumbTitle + " ยป ",
     53                 listeners: {
     54                     toggle: {
     55                         fn: function (button, pressed)
     56                         {
     57                             if (pressed) {
     58                                 this.switchView(button.index);
     59                             }
     60                         },
     61                         scope: me
     62                     }
     63                 }
     64             });
     65             cardItems.push(childView);
     66         }
     68         me.breadCrumbContainer = Ext.create('widget.container', {
     69             layout: 'hbox',
     70             items: breadCrumbComponents
     71         });
     72         me.cardContainer = Ext.create('widget.container', {
     73             layout: 'card',
     74             flex: 1,
     75             items: cardItems
     76         });
     77         me.items = [
     78             {
     79                 xtype: 'container',
     80                 layout: 'center',
     81                 style: 'background-color: white; padding: 5px;',
     82                 items: Ext.create('Ext.Img', {
     83                     height: 90,
     84                     width: 495,
     85                     src: 'images/partkeepr-setup.svg',
     86                     alt: 'PartKeepr'
     87                 }),
     88             },
     89             me.breadCrumbContainer,
     90             me.cardContainer,
     91             {
     92                 xtype: 'container',
     93                 layout: {
     94                     type: 'hbox',
     95                     pack: 'end'
     96                 },
     97                 defaults: {
     98                     xtype: 'button',
     99                     cls: 'x-wizard-navigation'
    100                 },
    101                 items: [
    102                     {
    103                         text: 'Previous',
    104                         itemId: 'previousButton',
    105                         handler: me.onPrevious,
    106                         disabled: true,
    107                         scope: me
    108                     },
    109                     {
    110                         text: 'Next',
    111                         itemId: 'nextBtn',
    112                         handler: me.onNext,
    113                         scope: me
    114                     }
    115                 ]
    116             }
    117         ];
    119         me.callParent();
    120     },
    121     switchView: function (index)
    122     {
    123         var nextBtn = this.down('#nextBtn'),
    124             previousButton = this.down('#previousButton'),
    125             childViewCount = this.cardContainer.items.getCount();
    126         if (index < childViewCount) {
    127             nextBtn.enable();
    129             this.cardContainer.getLayout().setActiveItem(index);
    130             this.currentIndex = index;
    132             if (index === 0) {
    133                 previousButton.disable();
    134             } else {
    135                 previousButton.enable();
    136             }
    138             if (index === childViewCount - 1) {
    139                 nextBtn.setText('Submit');
    140             } else {
    141                 nextBtn.setText('Next');
    142             }
    143         } else {
    144             throw new Error('Invalid view index: ' + index);
    145         }
    146     },
    147     onPrevious: function ()
    148     {
    149         var me = this,
    150             childViewCount = this.cardContainer.items.getCount(),
    151             currentIndex = me.currentIndex,
    152             breadCrumbButton;
    154         for (var i = currentIndex; i < childViewCount; i++) {
    155             breadCrumbButton = me.breadCrumbContainer.items.getAt(i);
    156             breadCrumbButton.disable();
    157         }
    158         breadCrumbButton = me.breadCrumbContainer.items.getAt(currentIndex - 1);
    159         breadCrumbButton.toggle();
    161     },
    162     onNext: function ()
    163     {
    164         var me = this,
    165             nextBreadCrumbButton,
    166             currentIndex = me.currentIndex,
    167             childViews = me.cardContainer.items,
    168             currentView = childViews.getAt(currentIndex);
    170         if (this.fireEvent('validate', me, currentView) !== false) {
    171             if (currentIndex < childViews.getCount() - 1) {
    172                 nextBreadCrumbButton = me.breadCrumbContainer.items.getAt(currentIndex + 1);
    173                 nextBreadCrumbButton.enable();
    174                 nextBreadCrumbButton.toggle();
    175             } else {
    176                 me.fireEvent('submit', me, me.getSubmitData());
    177             }
    178         }
    179     },
    180     onClose: function ()
    181     {
    182         this.fireEvent('close', this);
    183     },
    184     getSubmitData: function ()
    185     {
    186         var submitData = {};
    187         this.cardContainer.items.each(function (childView)
    188         {
    189             if (childView.getSubmitData) {
    190                 Ext.merge(submitData, childView.getSubmitData());
    191             }
    192         });
    193         return submitData;
    194     }
    195 });