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TreePicker.js (1529B)

      1 Ext.define("PartKeepr.Widgets.TreePicker", {
      2        extend: "Ext.ux.TreePicker",
      4     /**
      5      * Creates and returns the tree panel to be used as this field's picker.
      6      */
      7     createPicker: function() {
      8         var me = this,
      9             picker = new Ext.tree.Panel({
     10                 baseCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'boundlist',
     11                 shrinkWrapDock: 2,
     12                 store:,
     13                 floating: true,
     14                 displayField: me.displayField,
     15                 columns: me.columns,
     16                 minHeight: me.minPickerHeight,
     17                 maxHeight: me.maxPickerHeight,
     18                 manageHeight: false,
     19                 shadow: false,
     20                 rootVisible: false,
     21                 listeners: {
     22                     scope: me,
     23                     itemclick: me.onItemClick
     24                 }
     25             }),
     26             view = picker.getView();
     28         if (Ext.isIE9 && Ext.isStrict) {
     29             // In IE9 strict mode, the tree view grows by the height of the horizontal scroll bar when the items are highlighted or unhighlighted.
     30             // Also when items are collapsed or expanded the height of the view is off. Forcing a repaint fixes the problem.
     31             view.on({
     32                 scope: me,
     33                 highlightitem: me.repaintPickerView,
     34                 unhighlightitem: me.repaintPickerView,
     35                 afteritemexpand: me.repaintPickerView,
     36                 afteritemcollapse: me.repaintPickerView
     37             });
     38         }
     39         return picker;
     40     }
     41 });