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UnitEditorComponent.js (695B)

      1 Ext.define('PartKeepr.UnitEditorComponent', {
      2 	extend: 'PartKeepr.EditorComponent',
      3 	alias: 'widget.UnitEditorComponent',
      4 	navigationClass: 'PartKeepr.UnitGrid',
      5 	editorClass: 'PartKeepr.UnitEditor',
      6 	newItemText: i18n("New Unit"),
      7 	deleteMessage: i18n("Do you really wish to delete the unit'%s'?"),
      8 	deleteTitle: i18n("Delete Unit"),
      9 	model: 'PartKeepr.UnitBundle.Entity.Unit',
     10 	initComponent: function () {
     11 		this.createStore({
     12 			sorters: [{
     13 				property: 'name',
     14 				direction:'ASC'
     15 	          }]
     16 		});
     18 		this.callParent();
     19 	},
     20     statics: {
     21         iconCls: 'partkeepr-icon unit',
     22         title: i18n('Units'),
     23         closable: true,
     24         menuPath: [{text: i18n("Edit")}]
     25     }
     26 });