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StatisticsChart.js (4692B)

      1 Ext.define('PartKeepr.StatisticsChart', {
      2     extend: 'Ext.chart.CartesianChart',
      3     animate: true,
      4     shadow: true,
      6     style: 'border: 1px solid #AAA;background-color: white;box-shadow: 5px 5px 0px #aaa',
      7     legend: {
      8         position: 'right'
      9     },
     10     theme: 'Base',
     11     series: [
     12         {
     13             type: 'line',
     14             highlight: {
     15                 size: 7,
     16                 radius: 7
     17             },
     18             axis: 'left',
     19             xField: 'start',
     20             yField: 'parts',
     21             style: {
     22                     lineWidth: 4
     23                 },
     24                 marker: {
     25                     radius: 4
     26                 },
     27             tooltip: {
     28                 trackMouse: true,
     29                 renderer: function (tip, item)
     30                 {
     31                     tip.update(
     32                         Ext.Date.format(item.get('start'), "Y-m-d") + ": " + item.get("parts") + " " + i18n(
     33                             "Parts"));
     34                 }
     35             },
     36             title: i18n("Parts"),
     37             markerConfig: {
     38                 type: 'cross',
     39                 size: 4,
     40                 radius: 4,
     41                 'stroke-width': 0
     42             }
     43         }, {
     44             type: 'line',
     45             style: {
     46                     lineWidth: 4
     47                 },
     48                 marker: {
     49                     radius: 4
     50                 },
     51             highlight: {
     52                 size: 7,
     53                 radius: 7
     54             },
     55             tooltip: {
     56                 trackMouse: true,
     57                 renderer: function (tip, item)
     58                 {
     59                     tip.update(Ext.Date.format(item.get('start'), "Y-m-d") + ": " + item.get(
     60                             "categories") + " " + i18n("Categories"));
     61                 }
     62             },
     63             axis: 'left',
     64             title: i18n("Categories"),
     65             smooth: true,
     66             xField: 'start',
     67             yField: 'categories',
     68             markerConfig: {
     69                 type: 'circle',
     70                 size: 4,
     71                 radius: 4,
     72                 'stroke-width': 0
     73             }
     74         }
     75     ],
     76     axes: [
     77         {
     78             type: 'numeric',
     79             minimum: 0,
     80             position: 'left',
     81             fields: ['parts', 'categories'],
     82             title: i18n("Count"),
     83             minorTickSteps: 1,
     84             grid: {
     85                 odd: {
     86                     opacity: 1,
     87                     fill: '#eee',
     88                     stroke: '#bbb',
     89                     'stroke-width': 0.5
     90                 },
     91                 even: {
     92                     opacity: 1,
     93                     stroke: '#bbb',
     94                     'stroke-width': 0.5
     95                 }
     96             }
     97         },
     98         {
     99             type: 'time',
    100             dateFormat: 'Y-m-d',
    101             position: 'bottom',
    102             aggregateOp: "avg",
    103             fields: ['start'],
    104             title: i18n("Date"),
    105             grid: true
    106         }
    107     ],
    108     store: {
    109         model: 'PartKeepr.StatisticSample',
    110             proxy: {
    111                 type: 'ajax',
    112                 reader: {
    113                     type: 'json',
    114                     rootProperty: ''
    115                 },
    116                 url: PartKeepr.getBasePath() + "/api/statistics/sampled",
    117                 extraParams: {
    118                     "start": "2011-01-01 00:00:00",
    119                     "end": "2011-12-01 23:59:59"
    120                 }
    121             },
    122             autoLoad: false
    123     },
    124     initComponent: function () {
    125         this.mask = new Ext.LoadMask({
    126             msg: i18n("Loading…"),
    127             target: this
    128         });
    129         this.callParent();
    131"beforeload", Ext.bind(this.onBeforeLoad, this));
    132"load", Ext.bind(this.onLoad, this));
    133     },
    134     /**
    135      * Sets the start date for the chart. Does not trigger a reload of the dataset.
    136      * @param date A valid date object
    137      */
    138     setStart: function (date)
    139     {
    140         if (!(date instanceof Date)) {
    141             return;
    142         }
    143 = Ext.Date.format(date, "Y-m-d H:i:s");
    144     },
    145     /**
    146      * Sets the end date for the chart. Does not trigger a reload of the dataset.
    147      * @param date A valid date object
    148      */
    149     setEnd: function (date)
    150     {
    151         if (!(date instanceof Date)) {
    152             return;
    153         }
    155         // Always set the end date to the end of the day
    156         date.setHours(23);
    157         date.setMinutes(59);
    158         date.setSeconds(59);
    160 = Ext.Date.format(date, "Y-m-d H:i:s");
    161     },
    162     onBeforeLoad: function () {
    164     },
    165     onLoad: function () {
    166         this.mask.hide();
    168     }
    169 });