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ProjectReportGrid.js (1417B)

      1 /**
      2  * Represents the project report grid
      3  */
      4 Ext.define('PartKeepr.Components.Project.ProjectReportGrid', {
      5     extend: 'PartKeepr.BaseGrid',
      6     alias: 'widget.ProjectReportGrid',
      8     reference: 'ProjectReportGrid',
     10     columns: [
     11         {header: i18n("Name"), dataIndex: 'name', flex: 2},
     12         {header: i18n("Created"), dataIndex: 'createDateTime', flex: 1, xtype: 'datecolumn'}
     13     ],
     14     automaticPageSize: false,
     15     enableEditing: false,
     16     viewModel: {},
     17     store: {
     18         autoLoad: true,
     19         autoSync: false,
     20         remoteFilter: true,
     21         remoteSort: true,
     22         pageSize: 10,
     23         model: "PartKeepr.ProjectBundle.Entity.Report",
     24         filters: [{
     25             property: "name",
     26             operator: "!=",
     27             value: ""
     28         }]
     29     },
     30     bbar: {
     31         xtype: 'pagingtoolbar',
     32         itemId: 'pager',
     33         items: ['-', {
     34             xtype: 'button',
     35             text: i18n("Load Report"),
     36             iconCls: "fugue-icon notification-counter",
     37             bind: {
     38                 disabled: '{!ProjectReportGrid.selection}'
     39             },
     40             itemId: 'loadReportButton'
     41         },{
     42             xtype: 'button',
     43             text: i18n("Delete Report"),
     44             bind: {
     45                 disabled: '{!ProjectReportGrid.selection}'
     46             },
     47             iconCls: "fugue-icon minus-circle",
     48             itemId: 'deleteReportButton'
     49         }]
     50     }
     51 });