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PartDisplay.js (6024B)

      1 /**
      2  * @class PartKeepr.PartDisplay
      3  * <p>This component displays information about a specific part.</p>
      4  */
      5 Ext.define('PartKeepr.PartDisplay', {
      6     extend: 'Ext.panel.Panel',
      7     bodyCls: 'partdisplay',
      9     overflowY: 'auto',
     11     /**
     12      * Initializes the component and adds a template as well as the add/remove stock and edit part buttons.
     13      */
     14     initComponent: function ()
     15     {
     16         /**
     17          * Create the "add stock" button
     18          */
     19         this.addButton = new Ext.Button({
     20             text: i18n("Add Stock"),
     21             iconCls: 'web-icon brick_add',
     22             handler: Ext.bind(this.addPartStockPrompt, this)
     23         });
     25         /**
     26          * Create the "remove stock" button
     27          */
     28         this.deleteButton = new Ext.Button({
     29             text: i18n("Remove Stock"),
     30             iconCls: 'web-icon brick_delete',
     31             handler: Ext.bind(this.removePartStockPrompt, this)
     32         });
     34         /**
     35          * Create the "edit part" button
     36          */
     37         this.editButton = new Ext.Button({
     38             text: i18n("Edit Part"),
     39             iconCls: 'web-icon brick_edit',
     40             handler: Ext.bind(function ()
     41             {
     42                 this.fireEvent("editPart", this.record);
     43             }, this)
     44         });
     46         /**
     47          * Create the toolbar which holds our buttons
     48          */
     49         this.tbar = Ext.create("Ext.toolbar.Toolbar", {
     50             enableOverflow: true,
     51             items: [
     52                 this.addButton,
     53                 this.deleteButton,
     54                 this.editButton
     55             ]
     56         });
     58         /**
     59          * Add the event "editPart". This event is fired as soon as the "edit" button is clicked.
     60          *
     61          * @todo Add the events "addStock" and "removeStock" and manage these events from the PartManager.
     62          */
     64         this.attachmentDisplay = Ext.create("Ext.view.View", {
     65             title: "Foobar",
     66             store: null,
     67             itemSelector: 'div.foobar',
     68             selectedItemCls: "",
     69             focusCls: "",
     70             margin: 5,
     71             emptyText: i18n("No attachments"),
     72             tpl: [
     73                 '<tpl for=".">',
     74                 '<div class="foobar"><a href="{[values["@id"]]}/getFile" target="_blank">{[values.originalFilename]}</a></div>',
     75                 '</tpl>'
     76             ]
     77         });
     79         this.imageDisplay = Ext.create("PartKeepr.PartImageDisplay", {
     80             title: i18n("Images"),
     81         });
     83         this.infoGrid = Ext.create("PartKeepr.Components.Part.PartInfoGrid", {
     84             title: {
     85                 height: 'auto',
     86                 cls: 'x-title-wrappable-text'
     87             }
     88         });
     90         this.partParameterGrid = Ext.create("Ext.grid.Panel", {
     91             title: i18n("Part Parameters"),
     92             emptyText: i18n("No Parameters"),
     93             columns: [
     94                 {
     95                     header: i18n("Parameter"),
     96                     dataIndex: "name",
     97                     flex: 1
     98                 }, {
     99                     header: i18n("Value"),
    100                     renderer: function (v, m, rec)
    101                     {
    102                         return PartKeepr.PartManager.formatParameter(rec);
    103                     },
    104                     flex: 1
    105                 }
    106             ]
    107         });
    109         this.items = [
    110             this.infoGrid, this.partParameterGrid, {
    111                 xtype: 'panel',
    112                 title: i18n("Attachments"),
    113                 items: this.attachmentDisplay
    114             }, this.imageDisplay
    115         ];
    116         this.callParent();
    117     },
    118     clear: function ()
    119     {
    120         this.attachmentDisplay.bindStore(null);
    121         this.imageDisplay.setStore(null);
    122         this.partParameterGrid.setStore(null);
    124     },
    125     /**
    126      * Sets the values for the template.
    127      *
    128      * Note that the data of the record is applied with htmlentities(), i.e. <b>Test</b> will be
    129      * displayed as such and not in bold.
    130      */
    131     setValues: function (r)
    132     {
    133         this.record = r;
    135         this.attachmentDisplay.bindStore(this.record.attachments());
    136         this.partParameterGrid.bindStore(this.record.parameters());
    137         this.infoGrid.applyFromPart(this.record);
    138         this.infoGrid.setTitle(
    139             "<div>" + this.record.get("name") + "</div><small>" + this.record.get("description") + "</small>");
    140         this.imageDisplay.setStore(this.record.attachments());
    142         // Scroll the container to top in case the user scrolled the part, then switched to another part
    143         this.scrollTo(0, 0);
    145     },
    146     /**
    147      * Prompt the user for the stock level he wishes to add.
    148      */
    149     addPartStockPrompt: function ()
    150     {
    151         var j = new PartKeepr.PartStockWindow({partUnitName: this.record.get("partUnitName")});
    152         j.addStock(this.addStockHandler, this);
    153     },
    154     /**
    155      * Callback after the "add stock" dialog is complete.
    156      */
    157     addStockHandler: function (quantity, price, comment)
    158     {
    159         this.record.callPutAction("addStock", {
    160             quantity: quantity,
    161             price: price,
    162             comment: comment
    163         }, null, true);
    164     },
    165     /**
    166      * Prompts the user for the stock level to decrease for the item.
    167      */
    168     removePartStockPrompt: function ()
    169     {
    170         var j = new PartKeepr.PartStockWindow({partUnitName: this.record.get("partUnitName")});
    171         j.removeStock(this.removeStockHandler, this);
    172     },
    173     /**
    174      * Callback after the "delete stock" dialog is complete.
    175      */
    176     removeStockHandler: function (quantity, unused_price, comment)
    177     {
    178         this.record.callPutAction("removeStock", {
    179             quantity: quantity,
    180             comment: comment,
    181         }, null, true);
    182     },
    183     /**
    184      * Load the part from the database.
    185      */
    186     loadPart: function ()
    187     {
    188         this.record.load({
    189             scope: this,
    190             success: this.onPartLoaded
    191         });
    192     },
    193     /**
    194      * Callback after the part is loaded
    195      */
    196     onPartLoaded: function ()
    197     {
    198         this.setValues(this.record);
    199     }
    200 });