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DistributorEditor.js (1719B)

      1 Ext.define('PartKeepr.DistributorEditor', {
      2     extend: 'PartKeepr.Editor',
      3     alias: 'widget.DistributorEditor',
      4     items: [
      5         {
      6             xtype: 'textfield',
      7             name: 'name',
      8             fieldLabel: i18n("Distributor")
      9         }, {
     10             xtype: 'checkbox',
     11             name: 'enabledForReports',
     12             boxLabel: i18n("Use this distributor for price calculations in project reports"),
     13             hideEmptyLabel: false
     14         },{
     15             xtype: 'textarea',
     16             name: 'address',
     17             fieldLabel: i18n("Address")
     18         }, {
     19             xtype: 'urltextfield',
     20             name: 'url',
     21             fieldLabel: i18n("Website")
     22         }, {
     23             xtype: 'textfield',
     24             name: 'skuurl',
     25             fieldLabel: i18n("SKU URL"),
     26             triggers: {
     27                 help: {
     28                     cls: 'x-form-trigger-help',
     29                     handler: function ()
     30                     {
     31                         Ext.Msg.alert(i18n("Help"), i18n(
     32                             "Enter the URL of the distributor's SKU URL. Use %s as a placeholder for the SKU. Example:"));
     33                     }
     34                 }
     35             }
     36         }, {
     37             xtype: 'textfield',
     38             name: 'email',
     39             fieldLabel: i18n("Email")
     40         }, {
     41             xtype: 'textfield',
     42             name: 'phone',
     43             fieldLabel: i18n("Phone")
     44         }, {
     45             xtype: 'textfield',
     46             name: 'fax',
     47             fieldLabel: i18n("Fax")
     48         }, {
     49             xtype: 'textarea',
     50             name: 'comment',
     51             fieldLabel: i18n("Comment")
     52         }
     53     ],
     54     saveText: i18n("Save Distributor")
     55 });