
another attempt to have everything organized ...
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main.yml (428B)

      1 ---
      2 - name: figlet your way out
      3   become: no
      4   connection: local
      5   shell: "figlet -f {{ motd_figlet_font }} {{ ansible_fqdn }}"
      6   register: figlet_output
      7   vars:
      8     ansible_python_interpreter: /usr/local/bin/python3
      9   changed_when: false
     11 - name: motd install
     12   template:
     13     src: "templates/main.j2"
     14     dest: "{{ motd_figlet_file }}"
     15     owner: "{{ motd_figlet_owner }}"
     16     group: "{{ motd_figlet_group }}"
     17     mode: '0644'