
another attempt to have everything organized ...
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jitsi.yml (4549B)

      1 ---
      2 - hosts: videochat
      3   remote_user: root
      4   roles:
      5      - geerlingguy.certbot
      6      - coturn
      7      - systemli.jitsi_meet
      8   vars:
      9     certbot_admin_email:
     10     certbot_create_if_missing: true
     11     certbot_create_standalone_stop_services:
     12       - nginx
     13     certbot_certs:
     14       - domains:
     15           -
     16       - domains:
     17           -
     18           -
     19     coturn_auth_secret: !vault |
     20               $ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256
     21               32633533646661666263373432343231643138623033303237663663636665313661616466313637
     22               6638636438383864316166613830363162353733386365630a393434343734656431383636353933
     23               33376434353764343339623930396566313634616263303761363363333237656231396562383666
     24               3462386366336566350a326461646139643564343439663731656531353238363435373862313564
     25               63643738663064373866616436316632626164626463376161616562306262306631336165663431
     26               3831613161663033646235373038373033313665396134383230
     27     coturn_domain_name: ""
     28     jitsi_meet_server_name: ""
     29     jitsi_meet_videobridge_secret: !vault |
     30               $ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256
     31               64656633343465616334376338633639663634386261383865643565336539366665643837643163
     32               3430633430393065366665643339633264353965363862360a356163666637643139633836343636
     33               65333833663534616564613436313038663232636535376638626331376366393539663965343562
     34               3738316135663461630a623666326264316538346663343733656662316135613865646631383366
     35               33373166363232356461303964653230316630306466663931616532393430333134626461613334
     36               6632623035616437336538353038363137353861363932326663
     37     jitsi_meet_jicofo_secret: !vault |
     38               $ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256
     39               35333430346630366332376238393961623161396365373738336434333931323534366230366237
     40               3834306364343139376633366534633330643362336566650a323931623937333665366230653637
     41               36336430613065643632326237386563393561303035306464636463633964313464363366343336
     42               3931343266626461350a613638326630326338333864333962353062333362383261326665376437
     43               63313231633538663663336564363362613931313638306362373438626464356430343761323438
     44               3438376563313930323434643932373961353834666631646630
     45     jitsi_meet_jicofo_password: !vault |
     46               $ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256
     47               33646138396231333663376261646533316537383266653433356261383164633662316365616266
     48               3965353635383465383138376433663234653530363838640a373937306361363963353930393965
     49               37636263393561653435646562653463653931663166613061323566636163666166356432383936
     50               6435376138633337330a666434383262373763663436646438306633366334353731333839616534
     51               64363865616230373334363932646337336237633032313232396637306137656261343437663162
     52               6263643566626331316238336362653162303566396434623337
     53     jitsi_meet_ssl_cert_path: "/etc/letsencrypt/live/"
     54     jitsi_meet_ssl_key_path: "/etc/letsencrypt/live/"
     55     jitsi_meet_config_stun_servers:
     56       -
     57   pre_tasks:
     58     - name: root access only ssh key
     59       lineinfile:
     60         path: /etc/ssh/sshd_config
     61         regexp: '^PermitRootLogin'
     62         line: PermitRootLogin prohibit-password
     63       notify: restart sshd
     64     - name: nginx should be there first
     65       package:
     66         name: nginx
     67         state: present
     68   post_tasks:
     69     - name: install ufw
     70       package:
     71         name: ufw
     72         state: present
     73     - name: allow ssh only for me
     74       ufw:
     75         rule: allow
     76         port: '22'
     77         proto: tcp
     78         src: 2001:470:c980::/48
     79     - name: allow nginx stuff
     80       ufw:
     81         rule: allow
     82         name: "{{ item }}"
     83       with_items:
     84         - "Nginx Full"
     85     - name: allow udp ports
     86       ufw:
     87         rule: allow
     88         port: 10000:20000
     89         proto: udp
     90     - name: allow coturn
     91       ufw:
     92         rule: allow
     93         port: '3478'
     94         proto: tcp
     95     - name: allow coturnS
     96       ufw:
     97         rule: allow
     98         port: '5349'
     99         proto: tcp
    100     - name: allow udp coturn
    101       ufw:
    102         rule: allow
    103         port: '3478'
    104         proto: udp
    105     - name: allow udp coturnS
    106       ufw:
    107         rule: allow
    108         port: '5349'
    109         proto: udp
    110     - name: enable ufw with default deny
    111       ufw:
    112         state: enabled
    113         policy: deny
    114   handlers:
    115     - name: restart sshd
    116       service:
    117         name: sshd
    118         state: restarted