
Official OVH Perl wrapper upon the OVH RESTful API. (c) OVH SAS
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META.json (1810B)

      1 {
      2    "abstract" : "Official OVH Perl wrapper upon the OVH RESTful API.",
      3    "author" : [
      4       ", OVH SAS."
      5    ],
      6    "dynamic_config" : 0,
      7    "generated_by" : "Minilla/v3.0.4, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.150005",
      8    "license" : [
      9       "bsd"
     10    ],
     11    "meta-spec" : {
     12       "url" : "",
     13       "version" : "2"
     14    },
     15    "name" : "OvhApi",
     16    "no_index" : {
     17       "directory" : [
     18          "t",
     19          "xt",
     20          "inc",
     21          "share",
     22          "eg",
     23          "examples",
     24          "author",
     25          "builder"
     26       ]
     27    },
     28    "prereqs" : {
     29       "configure" : {
     30          "requires" : {
     31             "Module::Build::Tiny" : "0.035"
     32          }
     33       },
     34       "develop" : {
     35          "requires" : {
     36             "Test::CPAN::Meta" : "0",
     37             "Test::MinimumVersion::Fast" : "0.04",
     38             "Test::PAUSE::Permissions" : "0.04",
     39             "Test::Pod" : "1.41",
     40             "Test::Spellunker" : "v0.2.7"
     41          }
     42       },
     43       "runtime" : {
     44          "requires" : {
     45             "Digest::SHA1" : "0",
     46             "JSON" : "0",
     47             "LWP::UserAgent" : "0",
     48             "perl" : "5.008001"
     49          }
     50       },
     51       "test" : {
     52          "requires" : {
     53             "Test::More" : "0.98"
     54          }
     55       }
     56    },
     57    "release_status" : "unstable",
     58    "resources" : {
     59       "bugtracker" : {
     60          "web" : ""
     61       },
     62       "homepage" : "",
     63       "repository" : {
     64          "type" : "git",
     65          "url" : "git://",
     66          "web" : ""
     67       }
     68    },
     69    "version" : "0.2",
     70    "x_contributors" : [
     71       "Paco Esteban <>"
     72    ],
     73    "x_serialization_backend" : "JSON::PP version 2.27300"
     74 }